Friday, December 19, 2008
Anatomy of a snow day
However, since the upstate New York winter has arrived with a vengeance, we know that some snowy or icy days are on the way. And despite what I would hope, it is inevitable that some inclement weather will eventually affect our school schedule.
So, contrary to what I want all of our students to believe, I probably will have to call the occasional snow day.
The historic ice storm that hit our region on Friday, December 12 is a perfect example of a time when I felt there was a definitive need for an emergency closing of our school. But often, the decision to close school is not that clear cut.
The Wednesday following the storm, December 17, was a bit more complicated. On these types of days there is a great deal that goes into making the decision to close, delay or maintain our regular schedule.
When the weather’s bad, my day starts at about 4 a.m. with a call to our head of maintenance, John Szkopiec. Mr. Szkopiec is always the first one on school grounds during bad weather. He gives me an update on the conditions of our buildings, parking lots and the roads leading to our schools. He also frequently talks with the plow drivers for the City of Watervliet to get a read on the condition of the rest of the roads in the City.
My second call is to our Director of Transportation, Mrs. Yanni. Mrs. Yanni has a report from the transportation companies we contract with on the conditions of the roads and the readiness of the bus fleet. Next, I call the superintendents of our neighboring districts in Cohoes and Green Island. The three of us will review what we have learned so far that morning and discuss any ways that we may be able to assist each other during the weather emergency. In very serious situations, such as the Valentines Day storm in February of 2007 that forced the schools to close for two consecutive days, I will call the Mayor, Fire Chief and Chief of Police to look to coordinate our response and pool resources.
When all of the information is collected, a final determination is made and the notices go out to the media, gets posted on our district website,, and the phone trees begin for faculty and staff. My last step is to contact the Board of Education members informing them of the decision that was made and why.
So, if you ever wonder how I decide to close, delay or remain on our regular schedule, now you know. It doesn’t have anything to do with whether or not kids are wearing their pajamas inside out, or sleeping with a spoon under their pillows, as I have heard many students have started to do as a “night-before-a-snow day” ritual. I rely heavily on the input of others and do what is needed to ensure the safety of our students and staff.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Respect and Integrity
A community of learners must be a community of respect. Positive results can’t occur in an atmosphere that lacks respect. As a school district we must be respectful of our students, our community and each other.
This holds true not just for our intentions, but for our actions. We must treat each other with respect on an everyday basis. It is important to remember that please and thank you is not only polite, but it works! Try it.
Most of us think of integrity as being honest and doing what is right, not only for ourselves, but for everyone. However, integrity is much more than that. At its core, it is consistency of actions, values, methods, measures and principles, Cheating on a test, copying homework or using sick time to go shopping are actions that not only break the rules, but show a lack of integrity.
Failing to push ourselves to do our best can be a seen as a lack of integrity as well. In failing to strive to be our best, we are not being honest with ourselves, we’re selling ourselves short and cheating the rest of the community out of our potential contributions.
We cannot allow that to happen.
Every student must be shown the way to act with respect and integrity every day. Not because we say so, but because failing to do this robs both the student and the rest of us of the greatness that each student has inside of them.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Good is the enemy of great
We cannot look at our school improvement process as a plan to jump over a bar set at a specific height, because the bar keeps rising. We must set both short and long term goals for improvement and put systems in place that provide for constant upward movement.
The current goal of the New York State Department of Education is 100% proficiency of all of our students on all state assessments by 2012. This is an ambitious goal that the Watervliet City School District fully supports and intends to meet. In order to do this we must push to improve every day.
Even when we meet this goal, there will still be a need for continuous improvement. There will always be areas in which we can improve. Aside from 100% proficiency, we are working to see more students graduating on time, more students attending four year colleges and universities, more students making greater contributions to our community and country just to name a few.
As I said before, good is the enemy of great. It’s a little-known fact that a great white shark must always be moving forward or it will die because it is not getting oxygen from water flowing through its gills. I want all of our faculty members and students to “be the shark” and keep their forward momentum going throughout their lives.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Expectations for students, parents and staff are clearly defined, understood and communicated. Students, parents and staff are empowered, supported and trained to meet high expectations.
Our expectation is that “every student” will find success here in the Watervliet City School District. We expect that all students will reach a high level of academic achievement and develop into socially well rounded individuals. We also expect that every adult; teachers, staff, parents and community partners understand the expectations that we have of ourselves in accepting the responsibility to provide a high level of support.
While we expect a great deal of our students, we must expect a great deal of ourselves. High expectations must be held and maintained for all. However in order to make this a reality we must also realize that as educators our job is to provide the high level of support that our students need to meet these expectations. A “high expectations” / “high support” learning community gets things done, grows and finds a great deal of success.
A nice example of how Watervliet CSD has a history of rising to meet the challenge of high expectations was the recent induction of over 20 members into the New Watervliet Athletic Hall of Fall. All of the inductees, whether coaches, supporters or athletes, met and exceeded high expectations during their athletic careers and their lives beyond WCSD. And we have had many students throughout the years who have done the same in the classroom.
Expectations alone will not get the job done. Support, understanding, patience and hard work are needed to help us as we rise to meet these high expectations. As our mission statement says we must be ready to do so, “Every day”. High expectations should never take a day off or go on vacation. We expect every member of our school community to “bring their A game” in everything they do.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Shared Values and Beliefs
All staff members are focused on student success. Students have many avenues and opportunities to learn, achieve and celebrate academic, personal and employment success. All students will leave the Watervliet City School District prepared for college, career and citizenship.
The shared value of success for all students is one that I feel very strongly about. This statement makes it very clear to everyone that our job as a school district is to ensure that every student who attends school at Watervliet and walks across the stage to graduate at the end of their senior year will be prepared for a happy and productive life.
So, what exactly is “happy and productive?” How will we determine if we are successful in this endeavor? We all define success differently but I define it in one word: choices. The staff, teachers, administrators and Board of Education of the Watervliet City School District have fulfilled their mission if every student who graduates from our school has choices.
We want our students to have myriad choices. Students could choose to attend college and will be academically prepared to do so. Students could also choose to attend a vocational school, join the military or enter the job market. We will have done our job if they leave here prepared to excel in the complex world of the twenty first century through their ability to think, problem solve, and work collaboratively and cooperatively.
The key is that our students will not only have all of these options open to them, but they will have the confidence and readiness to make important decisions about their future. Possessing the skills and abilities to choose to do what we want in life is the ultimate success.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Watervliet City Schools has a new mission for 2008-09!
Welcome Back!
The start of a new school year is always very exciting. Although we’re forced to say goodbye to the hot weather and freedom of summer, we gain the opportunity to see friends that we’ve missed and get back into the swing of things here at school.
While school has been out for the summer, things have been hopping at Watervliet City Schools. Our construction project at Waterlviet Elementary school is on-going and we are beginning the preliminary steps toward the renovations at Watervliet Junior – Senior High School. Although construction projects can be unpredictable and sometimes inconvenient, the pay-off will come when these projects are complete - we will have two newly renovated school buildings to be very proud of. I am pleased to report that the projects are on schedule moving forward as they should.
Also this summer, the Watervliet City School District Board of Education has adopted a new mission statement for the district. This mission statement is the result of a great deal of hard work by our Mission Statement Committee. The committee is made up of teachers, support staff, administrators and community members.
We will spend a lot of time this fall promoting and discussing this new mission statement with our students, staff and community. We hope that the entire school community will support us as we seek to fufill this new vision and mission for our district.
The mission of the Watervliet City School District is to inspire, educate and challenge every student, every day!
Please visit our website to read about the shared beliefs and values that will support this new mission
I hope that the summer was enjoyable and relaxing for everyone and I look forward to spending the next ten months continuing our efforts to achieve excellence for every student, every day!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
There's no reason to be bored...
He very simply said, “You have ten weeks off of school, and there is no reason for any of you to find yourselves bored during that time."
He did not elaborate; he left it to us to figure out what he meant. I still think about that teacher and that statement every year when the calendar gets to June.
As a student, I thought he wanted us to do extra homework and keep up our studies over the summer - but as I got older I realized that maybe that is not what he meant. Maybe he meant that we had freedom and free time that we should not waste or take lightly. Maybe he meant that we should be outside playing ball or exploring, hiking or going to museums. Maybe he meant we should spend this time with our families and friends. He purposely left it open to interpretation for us to figure it out. He hit so many
So, as we head toward the last day of school I want to encourage all of our students to use the next ten weeks wisely. Be sure to go and do something that you have always wanted to do but didn’t have the time. Read a book or two, go to a museum, make a new friend and enjoy yourselves. In the words of my ninth grade English teacher, there is no reason for you to be bored this summer.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Thank you for your support!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Don't forget to vote on your school budget!
I encourage you to be an informed voter. Most districts provide detailed budget newsletters and/or budget information on their school Web sites. Take the time to get the facts. Find out about this year's school budget proposal and the board of education candidates seeking office in the school district where you live. If you don't know where to vote or the times that polls open and close, visit your school Web site or call the district office for details.
Every single vote -- pro or con -- carries an enormous impact. I know we are all extremely busy, but please make time to vote -- and encourage your friends and family members to do the same.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
OK, Mr. Superintendent, what do you actually do?
A lot of people ask me, “OK, Mr. Superintendent, what do you actually do?” The simple answer is that I oversee the running of the entire district from top to bottom.
The Watervliet Board of Education recently adopted a $21,299,784 proposed budget for the 2008-09 school year. The plan represents a 9 percent increase in spending over the current year’s budget and would result in an estimated 1.5 percent tax rate increase if approved by voters on May 20.
The spending increase is higher than some area districts, due to about $1 million in increased state aid we will receive. Under the
C4E provides an infusion of money to help us support our most important goal as a district: improving student achievement. Programs funded by this money will benefit our students with the greatest educational needs, and serve to strengthen our academic program district wide. To learn more about C4E and what it means for Watervliet, please see the resources listed at the end of this post.
Again, we can only use C4E funds for school improvement initiatives — and the state picks up the tab! That also means that these funds cannot be used to reduce local school taxes. However, we have sought other ways to reduce the impact of the proposed budget on our local taxpayers. Translated into real dollars, the proposed 1.5 percent tax rate increase would mean a tax increase of approximately $28 for the average homeowner in Watervliet and $31 for Mannsville homeowners. Keep in mind: these figures are based on a home assessed at $100,000. Your number may be different depending on your property assessment.
I am pleased that the budget proposal includes no cuts to staff or programs and, in fact, adds many new initiatives. Our administrative team has worked very hard to develop a budget that really targets our resources to the students and the areas where we need the most improvement and continues our forward momentum in reading and literacy districtwide. We are also focusing on making improvements to our mathematics curriculum and our special education services.
I hope you will all learn as much about this year's proposed budget as you can before the vote on May 20. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Budget hearing: May 13, 7 pm, Watervliet Jr./ Sr. HS Auditorium
Budget section of
Contract for Excellence public hearing: May 27, 7 pm, Watervliet Jr./ Sr. HS Media Center
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Watervliet will always be the Garnet and Grey, but our facilities are going green!
Today is Earth Day and I thought this was great time to talk about the use of environmentally friendly technologies that we are utilizing as part of our construction and renovation projects. Watervliet will always be the Garnet and Grey, but our facilities are going green!
Monday, April 7, 2008
A big day at Watervliet Elementary School
Additionally, we participate in the Seal A Smile program. Seal-a-Smile is an oral health program providing services to elementary school aged children. The program has an oral health classroom education component (read more about their visit to WES here) as well as providing dental screening, fluoride treatment, dental cleaning, individual oral hygiene instructions and follow-up oral health care management services. All participating students receive a tooth brush and toothpaste and other fun surprises.
It was exciting to have visitors of this caliber at our school. Thank you to our students and staff who, as always, were excellent and welcoming hosts. I am pleased that we were chosen for this visit - in many ways our school is the center of our community and we strive to provide as many services to our students and their families as we possibly can. It was nice to have an opportunity to “show-off” some of what we are doing to state and federal policymakers.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
A Foundation for Excellence
I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who came out in support of the building project Tuesday night. The Watervliet City School’s Board of Education and I both feel that the result of the vote (582-98: after the count of the absentee ballots) is a clear illustration of how much the community is invested in the continuing improvement of our schools and is a reflection of a true understanding of the importance of education.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Watervliet Building Project
As you may be aware, the Watervliet City School District Board of Education recently approved a resolution for a $21.7 million building proposition that will go to voters in early March. The proposal expands and renovates the Watervliet Jr./Sr. High School and also includes some additional improvements to the
This is really a great time to be doing a project of this scope, as our district is eligible for 95.2 percent building aid from the state and we have $700,000 in remaining excel funds available for the project. The tax impact on homeowners is expected to be less than one percent. We hope that all community members will learn as much as they can about this proposal and be sure to come out and vote on Tuesday, March 4, 2008. Here’s how you can learn more about the project:
- A newsletter outlining the details of the proposal will be sent to all district residents in late February.
- A public meeting will be held give an overview of the project and provide an opportunity for community residents to ask questions will be held Tuesday, February 26 at 7:00 pm in the WJSHS auditorium.
- Informational videos will air on WVLT later in February.
- Information, including blue prints of the proposed additions and renovations, frequently asked questions and timelines for the project, are available on the district’s website,
Please keep in mind that in order to vote on the proposed building project and/or the district's budget in May, you need to be registered to vote.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the proposal or about the process leading up to the vote. I can be reached in my office at 629-3201, or you can e-mail me at