Thursday, August 12, 2010

Yet another reason to be nimble!

In April of 2009 I wrote of our need as educators to be nimble. The recent adjustment in cut scores for the 3-8 tests by the State Education Department is a perfect example of why we need to be exactly that, nimble – quick, light in movement; moving with ease; agile and active.

State officials recently announced that they were increasing the scoring targets (or “cut scores”) on the exams after research showed that a large percentage of New York’s students were not adequately prepared for college. This announcement came months after the exams were completed this past spring. (For background, check out a previous article on this topic)

For years, all school districts in New York State have been preparing students for state tests using the curriculum adopted by New York State in the belief that these standards were not only rigorous but among the highest in the nation. We now know, by looking at the scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress tests (the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas) and feedback from colleges and universities that this is not the case. Changes must be implemented NOW. We cannot wait while yet another group of students receives a curriculum that does not meet their needs. We must be nimble!

No one would say that the manner in which this news and the new cut scores were “forced upon us” is ideal, but the data speaks for itself. We could foolishly expend our energy complaining about how “unfair” this is but I think our time and resources will be more well spent attacking the task at hand. Other industries are faced with changing paradigms on a regular basis, their options are change and learn to operate in the new environment – BE NIMBLE - or die (go out of business.)

Education must learn from these industries.

Here in Watervliet, the change in cut scores, the adoption of new standards and curriculum will not change our mission. We are here to inspire, educate and challenge every student, every day regardless of the challenges we are faced with.

We will be nimble and our students will be prepared to be successful, happy and productive individuals when they leave our schools.