Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Thank you for your support

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the voters who came out in support of the Watervliet City School District budget last night.

As many of you know, this was a particularly difficult budget year, not only for us here in Watervliet, but for all public schools across the State.

It is times like these where I find an even greater appreciation of the overwhelming support that this community has always shown toward our school district. Over the last six years, our community has supported every budget, building project and initiative that we have put in front of them. This is the true meaning of a community that values education, their children and their future.

Our school district’s ability to overcome this year’s devastating loss in state aid was made possible only through a collaborative “team effort." Every stakeholder associated with our school district had a hand in this success: from the cost saving ideas presented by our bus drivers and the concessions from our teachers; to the voluntary salary freeze of our administrators and the support of our voters. The whole district worked together to help balance this budget. As an educator, I am proud to be the leader of a learning community that is so ready and willing to pull together to do what is best for every student, every day.

Thank you!